Why should I choose Greensboro Radiology over other imaging providers?
Greensboro Radiology is one of the Top 30 independent Radiology practices in the country. Our team serves 10 hospitals and performs approximately 1 million patient procedures per year for patients in Central NC We are physician owned and 100% focused on patient care.
How do I schedule an exam?
We provide diagnostic and interventional radiology services for hospitals, outpatient facilities, and private practices across the Triad region. You can schedule an exam directly through our partner facilities. For a list of locations, click here.
How do I sign up for online images and reports?
Greensboro Radiology uses the Canopy PACS imaging archive. If you have problems signing in, need to set up and account reset a password, or for other questions or concerns regarding PACS, please call our help desk at 336.482.2408 or email us at helpdesk@canopy-partners.com.
When will my exam results be ready?
According to Press Ganey, Greensboro Radiology ranks in the 94th percentile of results turnaround time for large radiology practices The images from your patients’ exams and their associated reports will be available from Greensboro Radiology promptly. We will provide you with high quality subspecialty reports that will be immediately accessible electronically within ONE HOUR from the end of the patient’s visit. Our mission is to provide you with the information required to diagnose and care for you patient promptly.
What is Greensboro Radiology's policy regarding CT radiation dose?
Greensboro Radiology staff and radiologists follow the ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) approach to any imaging technology that we provide that emits radiation. In order to become accredited by the American College of Radiology, imaging providers must meet certain criteria for the provision of low-dose CT, and Greensboro Radiology has a strong tradition of not only meeting the ACR’s requirements, but also striving for ALARA dosage while still attaining quality study results.
What should I know about quality and safety in medical imaging?
Radiologic procedures such as CT, MRI, and PET are medically prescribed and should only be performed by appropriately trained and certified physicians under medically necessary circumstances. Learn More.
What is ACR accreditation?
Greensboro Radiology is an ACR accredited practice. As a referring physician, you should Insist that any facility providing your medical imaging care be accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR). ACR accreditation ensures that the physicians supervising and interpreting your medical imaging meet stringent education and training standards. Learn More.