About Us | Greensboro Radiology

About Greensboro Radiology


Greensboro Radiology, PA is ranked by Radiology Business Journal as one of the top 30 private radiology practices in the United States. We are the Piedmont Triad's premier provider of diagnostic imaging and interventional radiology services in inpatient and outpatient settings. We're committed to excellent patient care and serving the community's healthcare needs with state-of-the-art technology.

The 63 physicians of Greensboro Radiology are experienced, board certified and sub-specialty trained. Our sub-specialty focus along with quality-focused workflows utilizing a regional PACS, integrated Voice Recognition system, and advanced analytics results in accurate, rapid turnaround of reports to referring physicians and facilities.

From any location our physicians work, they have access to all studies performed whether the patient was treated in any of the numerous hospitals, outpatient imaging centers and physician practices that we serve.





The group was was formed in 1998 by the merger of the former Greensboro Radiology, PA and the former Guilford Radiology Associates, PA. Both practices have a long, rich history of excellence in radiology and serving the imaging needs of patients in the Piedmont Triad area since the mid 1950’s. The merger of these practices formed a practice with a culture of superior patient care and a depth of sub-specialty expertise. We now serve a wide spectrum of healthcare facilities across Central NC.  For a current list of the facilities that we serve, please visit the Locations page.

Press Ganey Scores

We’re proud of our national rankings, and want to share our good news with you! 


Greensboro Radiology recently received the following ratings from the national healthcare provider ranking service, Press Ganey.

  • 99th percentile for Referring Physician Satisfaction scores
  • 94th percentile for Results Turnaround times

Yes, we’re excited about these numbers, but we don’t take them for granted.  Greensboro Radiology is constantly working to make improvements in the delivery of excellent radiology services to our community of patients and referring physicians.

Learn more about Press Ganey Awards here.

Innovative Physician Partners